A Codes of Ethics Guide to Our Corporate Compliance Program


Dear Nao Medical Employee

Nao Medical has a tradition of ethical and responsible conduct that has earned us the respect and trust of patients, families, professional colleagues, and the community at large.

Nao Medical has adopted a Corporate Compliance Program to ensure that this tradition is maintained, to promote integrity among our staff, and to enhance Nao Medical’s ability to achieve its multifaceted health care mission. As community medical centers, we dedicate ourselves to delivering the highest quality healthcare, training new physicians, and delivering comprehensive health care in a respectful manner. This dedication includes meeting the highest professional standards and adhering to the strictest ethical and legal obligations.

Through our Compliance Program, we seek to ensure that all of the employees of Nao Medical are committed to conducting themselves in an ethical environment that prides itself of high standards of integrity. This commitment is reflected in this Code of Conduct, which identifies principles for performance in the workplace and specifies expectations with regard to all applicable laws and regulations. The principles outlined in the Code of Conduct govern the behavior of all employees and staff, regardless of position, as well as those doing business with us or at one of our institutions, and protect against any unlawful and unethical activity. These guiding principles are designed to assist us in our day-to-day conduct, from which our patients, our fellow colleagues, the health care and business communities, and regulatory authorities will judge our integrity. We expect that all staff associated with Nao Medical make the same commitment to compliance in the performance of their duties and become familiar with the guidance provided in this Code of Conduct.

We thank you for your commitment to providing an ethical and lawful environment in which to serve our patients.


Program overview

Purpose of the Code of Conduct
Employee Responsibilities
Compliance Questions
Leadership Responsibility for Compliance Communication
Organizational ethics and quality of care

Patient Care and Patient Rights


Patient Confidentiality and Privacy Information Owned by Others Employee Privacy


Oversight of Clinic/Patient Assets Accuracy, Retention and Disposal of Documents and Trade Practices/Antitrust Issues




Billing, Coding and Reimbursement Restrictions for Government Personnel Government Inquiries and Investigations Personal Use of Nao Medical Resources Copyright Electronic Media


Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity
Harassment/Workplace Violence
Hiring of Former Government Employees


Conflict of Interest
Outside or Dual Employment
Gifts and Entertainment/Business Courtesies
Political Activities and Contributions
Promotion of Products


Environmental Health and Safety
Substance Abuse and Impairment
Prescription Drugs


Marketing and Advertising
Relationships with Suppliers, Vendors and Subcontractors


Corporate Compliance Program Structure and Your
Obligation to Report
What to Report
Resources for Reporting Violations
Reporting Concerns – Non-Retaliation
Internal Investigations
Corrective Action
Consequences of Noncompliance
Disciplinary Action
Internal Monitoring and Auditing
Additional Resources

Purpose of the Code of Conduct

Nao Medical established this Code of Conduct so that employees will know and understand expectations of behavior. This Code of Conduct serves as a framework within which all employees are expected to operate. Responsibility for lawful and ethical behavior is a personal responsibility, and every employee will be held accountable for his or her conduct.

The Code of Conduct is intended to be comprehensive and easily understood. It is not meant to answer every question that might arise in your daily activities; however, it does provide guidelines, direction, and resources to tap into to respond to matters and circumstances in the course of your Nao Medical duties. No set of guidelines, including our own, can ever substitute for the sound judgment, common sense,
and personal integrity required to meet the challenges of your job.

Employee Responsibilities

Nao Medical employees are expected to treat compliance with ethical standards as a critical element of their responsibilities.

Every Nao Medical employee is required to:
  • Read and abide by this Code of Conduct
  • Be familiar with, understand, and observe the basic legal and regulatory requirements that are relevant to his or her duties
  • Ensure the confidentiality of patient and related information
  • Adhere to the highest ethical standards when acting on behalf of Nao Medical.
  • Respect the cultural values and religious beliefs of patients and family members, co-workers, staff members, and visitors
  • Prevent and/or refrain from discrimination or harassment of any kind, including racial, ethnic, or sexual harassment
  • Refrain from conflicts of interest and/or using a position for personal gain
  • Report possible or actual violations of law or ethical standards
Compliance Questions

Integrity, common sense, and sound judgment are your best guides in determining if your personal actions meet the expected standards for ethical and lawful behavior. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you are unsure, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my action consistent with office practices and legal or regulatory requirements?
  • Could my action give the appearance (to others) of impropriety or wrongdoing?
  • Will the action bring discredit to any employees or, to Nao Medical, if disclosed fully to the public?
  • Can I defend my action to my supervisor, other employees, and to the general public?
  • Does my action meet my personal code of behavior?
Leadership Responsibility for Compliance Communication

Management and supervisory employees are responsible for communicating the requirements of the Corporate Compliance Program and this Code of Conduct to those who report to them by emphasizing its [importance] taking appropriate measures to detect and correct any violations and prevent a recurrence, and imposing consistent and appropriate discipline, if warranted. Leadership personnel is expected to create and maintain an open environment where employees are encouraged and comfortable raising compliance concerns or asking questions. Adherence to the Code of Conduct and support of the Corporate Compliance Program are components of the employee evaluation process for all employees and management staff.

Organizational Ethics and [Quality of Care]
Patient Care and Patient Rights

We recognize our ethical and moral obligation to the patients and community we serve. We treat all patients with respect and dignity and provide a single standard level of care that is both necessary and appropriate and in accordance with federal, state, and city laws and regulations, as well as clinic policy. We make no distinction in the admission, transfer, or discharge of patients or in the care we provide based on race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, veteran’s status, or source of payment.

Patients’ Bill of Rights, which all employees are required to honor. is posted conspicuously in public areas throughout the office, includes the rights of patients to make decisions about their medical care. We will ensure that a qualified practitioner evaluates every patient before initiating a treatment plan, as well as ensure that all services are performed by appropriately credentialed and properly trained individuals.

We respect the rights of patients to be involved in all aspects of their care and obtain informed consent for treatment. As applicable, each patient or patient designee is provided with a clear explanation of care including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment plan, right to refuse or accept care, care decision dilemmas, and an explanation of the risks and benefits associated with available treatment options.
Patients or their designee have the opportunity for the resolution of complaints. Thorough and complete records of patient information will be maintained.

Confidentiality / Clinic Information

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary information according to existing laws and standard.

Patient Confidentiality and Privacy

We carefully avoid any unwarranted invasion or disclosure of patient’s privacy. We collect information about the patient’s medical condition, history, medication, and family illnesses to provide the best possible care. We realize the sensitive nature of this information and are committed to maintaining
its confidentiality.

  • All patients are provided with the written Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • Access to Protected Health Information (PHI) is limited to those permitted by law and Clinic policy.
  • Use only legitimate means to collect the information and, whenever practical, obtain it directly from the individual concerned.
  • Maintaining computer passwords and access codes in a responsible and confidential manner.
  • Report violations of confidentiality breaches to your supervisor or management team.
  • Ensure that patient information is not discussed in any public area.

Any employee who engages in an unauthorized or unlawful disclosure of information in violation of the privacy rights of our patients is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Additionally, employees must not make inappropriate modifications to any information or destroy or disclose any information except as authorized. Documents containing sensitive data, including patient and Protected Health Information should be properly secured at the end of the business day.

Nao Medical staff is expected to take reasonable precautions to ensure the physical security of confidential information and facilities.

Information Owned by Others

Employees who are in a position to receive an outside party’s confidential information (oral, visual, or written) must do so in accordance with company policy or specific agreement with the outside party. Personal software should not be copied for any work done for Nao Medical, placed or utilized in any Nao Medical -owned computer system, or generally brought onto Nao Medical premises.

Employee Privacy

Nao Medical respects the privacy and dignity of all staff. Nao Medical collects and retains employee personal information that is required for the effective operation of Nao Medical or that is required by law. Nao Medical has implemented policies and procedures that protect and limit access to employee personal information and comply with applicable laws that govern employee privacy. Employees are
prohibited from accessing or otherwise using employees’ records or information unless authorized to do so for legitimate business purposes.

Conducting Clinic Business

We will conduct our business in accordance with all laws and regulations and act in a manner that is in the best interest of our institutions and those whom we serve.

Oversight of Clinic/Patient Assets

Managers are responsible for establishing appropriate internal controls within their areas(s) of purview to
safeguard Nao Medical assets, ensure the accuracy of financial records and reports, and maintain accurate
reporting of all transactions. The integrity of Nao Medical’s financial records is critical to effective company operations and is a key factor in maintaining the confidence and trust of our employees and patients, and other stakeholders.

Accuracy, Retention, and Disposal of Documents and Records

Each Nao Medical employee is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of our business documents and records in order to comply with regulatory and legal requirements, as well as to ensure that records are available to defend our business practices and actions. No one may alter or falsify information on any record or document.

Medical and business records must be fully and accurately completed and maintained, consistent with proper business practices. Nao Medical takes necessary measures, including the assessment of new hardware and software, to ensure the accuracy and functionality of all appropriate computerized
and automated information systems. Employees must comply with Nao Medical’s record retention policies.

Trade Practices/Antitrust Issues

We are required to comply with all antitrust laws, which are designed to preserve and foster fair and honest competition within the free enterprise system. These laws could be violated by discussing Nao Medical business with a competitor, such as how our patient charges are established, disclosing the terms of supplier relationships, or agreeing with a competitor to refuse to deal with a supplier. Our competitors are other health systems and facilities in geographic markets where we operate. In general, avoid discussing sensitive topics with competitors or suppliers.

Physician Relationships

Any business arrangements with a physician or a physician group must be structured to ensure compliance with legal requirements. Such arrangements must be in writing and approved by the management team.


Nao Medical does not pay for referrals. We accept referrals and admissions based solely on patients’ clinical needs and our ability to render the needed services. No employee or any other individual acting on behalf of Nao Medical is permitted to solicit or receive anything of value, directly or indirectly, in exchange for the referral of patients. Nao Medical is committed to ensuring that physicians make
appropriate referrals in accordance with applicable federal Stark laws and relevant state laws. Nao Medical does not offer or receive inducements or create situations in which Nao Medical appears to be offering or receiving an improper inducement.

Third Party Payer Relationships
Billing, Coding and Reimbursement

Nao Medical is committed to full compliance with all laws and regulations relating to billing, coding, and
reimbursement. This commitment applies to the government programs of Medicare and Medicaid, as well
as those of other third-party payers. We will ensure that all billings to governmental and third-party payers are true and accurately reflect services only for medically necessary services and other necessary data provided to our patients. Employees are prohibited from knowingly presenting or causing to be presented claims for payment or approval, which are false, fictitious, or fraudulent. Nao Medical operates oversight systems to verify that claims are submitted only for services actually provided, and services
are billed as provided. Appropriate training is provided to employees involved in the billing, coding, and claim submission process.

Any subcontractors engaged to perform billing or coding services are expected to have the necessary skills, quality control processes, systems, and appropriate procedures to ensure all billings for government and commercial insurance programs are complete and accurate.

If mistakes or errors occur, they are reported to a manager promptly and corrected in a timely and appropriate manner. If improper payment occurs, we will notify the payer promptly and process refunds in a timely manner. Strict compliance with all relevant Medicare and Medicaid laws and regulations is required by all employees.

Nao Medical does not routinely waive patients’ deductibles or copayments or otherwise provide for financial benefits to patients.

Restrictions for Government Personnel

Employees may not provide or pay for meals, refreshments, travel, or lodging expenses for government employees; offer any type of gratuity under any circumstances; or entertain a public official without authorization from the Legal Department.

Government Inquiries and Investigations

It is the policy of Nao Medical to cooperate with and properly respond to all governmental inquiries and
investigations. Any employee approached by any federal or state law enforcement or regulatory agency (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid) official seeking information about any aspect of the clinic shall immediately notify their supervisor who in turn must notify the management team. It is Nao Medical’s policy to ensure that government agencies are provided promptly with all necessary and appropriate information

Personal Use of Nao Medical Resources

Nao Medical’s assets, which include employees’ time, materials, supplies, equipment and information, are to be used and maintained primarily for business-related purposes. You may not use these resources in a manner that could be harmful or embarrassing to Nao Medical. Any use of NaoMedical resources for personal financial gain unrelated to Nao Medical is prohibited.


Nao Medical employees are prohibited from reproducing any copyrighted materials without the express permission of the copyright holder unless appropriately licensed from the copyright holder. All staff is required to adhere to laws and policies relating to intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Electronic Media

All communications systems, electronic mail, internet access, or voice mails are the property of Nao Medical and are to be primarily used for business purposes. Limited responsible personal use of communications systems is permitted; however, Nao Medical reserves the right to monitor the use of its electronic media resources and to take appropriate disciplinary measures in cases of misuse. Patient or confidential information should not be sent through the internet or intranet until such time that its confidentiality can be ensured. Employees may not use communication systems to send harassing, threatening, or obscene messages, send copyrighted documents that are not authorized for reproduction, conduct a job search or open misaddressed mail.

Workplace Conduct and Practices

As an organization, Nao Medical recognizes that our employees, physicians, and volunteers, who serve our company, are our greatest assets. Nao Medical is committed to providing an employment setting that treats all staff with fairness, dignity, and respect, and affords them an opportunity to grow, to develop professionally, and to work in a team environment.

It is Nao Medical’s policy to:
  • Provide equal opportunity for employment and
    advancement on the basis of ability and aptitude
  • Protect the health and safety of employees
  • Compensate employees fairly and equitably
  • Train employees adequately relative to their job responsibilities. Employees are encouraged to develop their individual skills and understanding of their job.
Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity

Nao Medical is committed to providing an equal opportunity work environment. We will comply with all
laws, regulations, and policies related to nondiscrimination and fair employment practices in all of our personnel actions. Such actions include hiring, placement, transfers, promotions, training, compensation, evaluations, leaves of absence, recruiting, corrective action, and discipline and staff reductions. We make reasonable accommodations to the known physical and mental limitations of otherwise qualified
staff with disabilities. Retaliation against individuals for raising claims of discrimination or harassment is prohibited.


Nao Medical verifies the credentials and qualifications of all individuals applying for employment and hires only qualified individuals with appropriate expertise, licensure, and experience.

We will not hire or contract with any individual or entity who is excluded, suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible to participate in the federal healthcare programs (Medicare, Medicaid) or has been convicted of a criminal offense related to the provision of healthcare items or services and has not been reinstated in the federal healthcare programs after a period of exclusion, suspension, debarment or ineligibility

Harassment/Workplace Violence

All Nao Medical staff have the right to work in an environment free of harassment. Nao Medical will not
tolerate harassment by anyone based on the diverse characteristics or cultural backgrounds of those who work at Nao Medical. Degrading or humiliating jokes, slurs, intimidation or other harassing conduct is not acceptable. Any form of sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors in conjunction with employment decisions, as well as other verbal or physical conduct that creates a hostile work environment.

Nao Medical does not tolerate workplace violence, which includes threatening, aggressive, or abusive behavior. Moreover, as part of our commitment to a safe workplace, staff are prohibited from possessing firearms, other weapons, or other dangerous instruments and materials on the premises of Nao Medical.


Federal law prohibits Nao Medical from hiring individuals who are not legally authorized to work in this country.

Hiring of Former Government Employees

Former government employees who, upon termination of their government service, seek employment with Nao Medical must obtain clearance from the management team to preclude any potential conflict of interest.

Employee Loyalty and Conflicts of Interest
Conflict of Interest

In the course of conducting Nao Medical business, we are expected to put Nao Medical ’s interests ahead of any outside business, commercial or personal interest. Employees should avoid situations in which conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict, could arise. A conflict of interest may also exist if the demands of your outside activities influence or appear to influence your ability to make objective decisions in the course of your job responsibilities.

All employees are required to complete a conflict of interest questionnaire upon hire and certain categories of staff are required to file an annual disclosure statement. Because it is impossible to describe every potential conflict of interest scenario, Nao Medical relies on your commitment to exercise sound judgment to seek advice when appropriate, and to adhere to the highest ethical standards in the
conduct of your professional and personal interactions. Anyone who believes he or she has a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest shall immediately report it to his or her supervisor, department manager, or the Corporate Compliance Officer. For additional guidance as to Nao Medical’s policy on these types of issues, the Conflict of Interest policy should be consulted.

Outside or Dual Employment

Employees’ primary employment obligation is to Nao Medical. Any activities, such as a second job or personal business, must not conflict with obligations to Nao Medical. Employees with secondary employment that may be perceived as a conflict of interest with their Nao Medical position must make such a disclosure to their supervisor.

Gifts and Entertainment/Business Courtesies

Gifts and entertainment represent an area of potential conflict in situations where a competitive, regulatory, supervisory, or adversarial relationship could exist. Giving or accepting gifts and entertainment can sometimes be construed as an attempt to unduly influence a relationship.

It is Nao Medical ’s policy that no personal gifts may be offered or received under circumstances in which the gift might possibly influence the exercise of proper business judgment, regardless of whether this was or was not the intent of the donor or recipient. Accordingly, one should not provide or accept gifts of more than nominal value. Gifts of money (including gift certificates) are never acceptable. Solicitation of personal gifts or entertainment is never permissible.

Acceptance of a perishable or consumable gift (e.g., fruit baskets, cookies, flowers) of nominal value given to a department or group by a vendor during the holiday season or by a patient as a token of appreciation is permissible; however, such gifts should be shared with other staff.

There may be times when employees may wish to accept from a current or potential business associate an invitation to attend a social event, participate in training and educational opportunities or receive information about new products or services. Employees should seek reimbursement from the company for associated expenses in accordance with company policy. Questions related to gifts and
entertainment and business courtesies should be referred to the Compliance Officer.

Political Activities and Contributions

Nao Medical funds or resources are not to be used to contribute to political campaigns or for gifts or payments to any political party or any of their affiliated organizations. Nao Medical resources include employees’ work time, telephones, or computers.

Employees are permitted to participate in the political process at their own time and own expense, but may not do so on behalf of Nao Medical. Further, employees are not permitted to use his or her position at Nao Medical to further the political activity of any person or group. Senior management is responsible for developing Nao Medical’s position on relevant legislative and regulatory issues. If you are contacted by legislators or regulators regarding Nao Medical ’s position on public issues, you should refer them to the Compliance Officer. No employee may engage in lobbying or hire an outside lobbyist or consultant without authorization from the management team.

Promotion of Products

It is a violation of Nao Medical policy for employees to endorse commercial products using Nao Medical ’s name without the prior approval of Nao Medical. Payment for endorsement is not permitted. Vendors are not permitted to market their products on Nao Medical premises without prior approval.

Environmental Health and Safety

Nao Medical is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy, safe and secure environment for all patients, staff and visitors. We comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to the environment, including those relating to the handling, storage, use and disposal of pollutants, hazardous materials and infectious wastes that may be used or generated in the course of company operations. Nao Medical is dedicated to promoting the occupational health and safety of its staff. It is Nao Medical’s policy to provide and require the use of appropriate protective equipment and measures, and insist that all work be performed in a safe and responsible manner. All staff is required to become familiar with emergency and safety plans.

Employees must immediately report workplace injuries or unsafe conditions in accordance with company-specific policy and procedure. No employee will be subjected to retaliation or reprisal for being injured on the job or for reporting a workplace injury or unsafe situation.

Substance Abuse and Impairment

Nao Medical is committed to an alcohol and drug-free work environment. All staff is expected to report for work free of the influence of alcohol and illegal substances.

Working under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol, using, possessing, or distributing illegal drugs while at work or on Nao Medical premises may result in immediate termination. Nao Medical may use drug testing as a means of enforcing this policy.

Prescription Drugs

Nao Medical is legally responsible for the proper distribution and handling of regulated pharmaceutical
products, including prescription drugs, controlled substances, hypodermic needles, and drug samples. All
employees must be vigilant in complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and company procedures, maintaining the highest professional standards in safeguarding pharmaceuticals of all kinds and preventing unauthorized access to them. If you become aware of the diversion of drugs from Nao Medical, it should be reported immediately to your supervisor or to the Corporate Compliance Officer.

Business and Community Conduct
Marketing and Advertising

Our marketing material reflects only those services available in accordance with our licensure and accreditation. We will present only truthful and non-deceptive information in these materials. The Marketing team is responsible for reviewing and evaluating all material that is distributed
to the community to ensure that the information being provided is accurate.

Relationships with Suppliers, Vendors, and Subcontractors

Nao Medical manages its relationships with suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors in a fair and reasonable manner, consistent with all applicable laws, good business practices, and in accordance with Nao Medical policies and procedures. Selection of suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors will be made on the basis of objective criteria, including quality, service, price, delivery, technical excellence, adherence to schedules, and supply of goods and services. Purchasing decisions will be made on vendors’ ability to meet Nao Medical’s needs and not on personal relationships, friendship, favors, gratuities, or contributions. Suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors will be expected to abide by this Code of Conduct.

Corporate Compliance Program

Corporate Compliance Program Structure and Your Responsibility The Corporate Compliance Program is intended to demonstrate in the clearest possible terms the absolute commitment of Nao Medical to the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and compliance. The Corporate Compliance Officer, appointed by the President of Nao Medical , has responsibility for the implementation of the Corporate Compliance Program.

Obligation to Report

Every employee has a responsibility and is required to report any activity by any colleague, physician,
contractor, or vendor that appears to violate applicable laws, rules, regulations, or this Code of Conduct, through the appropriate chain of command. Failure to make an appropriate report may result in disciplinary action. Reporting enables the potential problem to be investigated promptly and addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.

What to Report

Report concerns about any legal, ethical, quality, behavioral or practical issue or any activity that you think may be a problem. Pay particular attention to issues related to federal healthcare programs (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid). Reasonable belief that a violation is possible is sufficient to initiate a report. To help you determine whether an issue should be reported, consider the following questions:

  • Does the matter comply with pertinent Company policies and procedures?
  • Is the action legal? Is it ethical?
  • How would the action appear if it were disclosed to the public?
Resources for Reporting Violations

Reports of suspected or actual violations can be made in person, by telephone or in writing. Employee reports should first be made, if possible, to the employee’s supervisor.

Reporting Concerns – Non-Retaliation

Retaliation against any employee who seeks advice, raises a concern, or reports an ethical or compliance issue in good faith will not be tolerated. An employee who deliberately makes a false accusation with the purpose of harming or retaliating against another employee will be subject to disciplinary action.

Internal Investigations

Nao Medical is committed to investigating all reported concerns promptly and confidentially to the extent possible. The Corporate Compliance Officer will coordinate any findings and take prompt and appropriate corrective action(s). We expect all employees to cooperate with investigation efforts.

Corrective Action

Where an internal investigation substantiates a reported violation, appropriate corrective measures will be taken, including, but not limited to, notifying the appropriate governmental agency, instituting appropriate disciplinary action, and implementing systemic changes to prevent a similar violation from recurring in the future. Corrective action plans will be shared with all appropriate parties.

Consequences of Noncompliance

Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations, or with the requirements of this Code of Conduct or Nao Medical’s policies and procedures, or to report violations or suspected violations, could pose significant risks to Nao Medical, our employees, as well as to the patients we serve. Examples of consequences to Nao Medical and / or employees for noncompliance include exclusion from
participation in federal healthcare programs, such as Medicare; criminal and /or civil fines, and penalties.

Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may be taken for:

  • Violating this Code of Conduct
  • Failing to report a violation of the Code of Conduct or cooperate in an investigation
  • Retaliating against an individual for reporting a violation or possible violation of the Code of Conduct
  • Deliberately making a false report of a violation of the Code of Conduct

Principles of fairness will apply, including, when appropriate, a review of a disciplinary decision.

Internal Monitoring and Auditing

Nao Medical is committed to an ongoing assessment process. Monitoring and audit activities are conducted under the auspices of the Corporate Compliance Officer. The audits will be designed to address Nao Medical ’s compliance with laws, regulations, and policies governing, among other things, coding, reimbursement, documentation, medical necessity, and other areas that may be deemed as high-risk areas.

Additional Resources

While this Code of Conduct provides overall general guidance, there are additional guiding resources with respect to our Corporate Compliance Program available to Nao Medical employees. They include Nao Medical – wide, company-wide policies and procedures, the Employee Handbook, as well as consultation with individuals within your chain of command, beginning with your immediate
supervisor. Additional resources include periodic informational newsletters and other similar advisory


Upon initial employment, all staff is required to sign an Employee Acknowledgement form confirming that they have received this Code of Conduct and that they will read, understand and commit to abide by its provisions.


For more information on the Corporate Compliance Program, call the Corporate Compliance Officer at (917) 924-4347 Ext: COM. Specific institutional policies and procedures can be found in Corporate Compliance, Administration, and Human Resources manuals. Additionally, in-service training programs are scheduled throughout the year.

Medical Care:

The evaluation and treatment I am receiving today are being rendered on an urgent care basis only. Follow up care by my own doctor or at a follow-up visit at Nao Medical/HFMC for the specific problem identified recommended for re-examination and for any new or continuing problems that might be getting worse is difficult to diagnose and treat all aspects of an injury or illness in one visit at Nao Medical/HFMC.

All X-Rays done at Nao Medical/HFMC will be interpreted by a Radiologist to confirm the initial interpretation by the medical provider. If there is a change in the diagnosis, you and/or your doctor will be notified by one of the medical staff. Fractures or abnormalities may not show on X-Rays for
several days. I understand that if my symptoms persist or get worse, then I must follow up with Nao Medical/HFMC or my own Primary Care Physician ASAP

I understand that I need to follow all the instructions given to me today

I understand if my symptoms worsen or continue, then I must return to the Nao Medical/HFMC or see my own Primary Care Physician immediately. I am aware that I can reach Nao Medical at (917) 310-3371.

Health Information Exchange

I give consent to all the Health Information Exchange participants listed on the HIE website and Care Everywhere Providers to access all of my electronic health information through the HIE and I give consent to all employees and agents of Nao Medical/HFMC to access all of my electronic health information through HEALTHIX in connection with any of the permitted purposes described in the fact in sheet,
including providing me any health care services, including emergency care.