Body Memory Recall Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Healing Near Me

Have you ever experienced a physical sensation that triggered a vivid memory of a past event? This is the basis of body memory recall therapy, a revolutionary approach to healing from past traumas.

At Nao Medical, we offer body memory recall therapy as part of our mental health services. Our empathetic and highly trained therapists and psychologists can help you explore the connection between your body and mind to promote healing and growth.

What is Body Memory Recall Therapy?

Body memory recall therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the physical sensations associated with past traumas. It is based on the idea that traumatic experiences can be stored in the body and can manifest as physical symptoms or sensations.

During a body memory recall therapy session, you will be guided to explore these physical sensations and connect them to past events. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your body and mind are interconnected and how past traumas may be impacting your current mental and physical health.

How Can Body Memory Recall Therapy Help Me?

Body memory recall therapy can be beneficial for anyone who has experienced past traumas, including but not limited to:

  • Physical or sexual abuse
  • Emotional neglect or abuse
  • Accidents or injuries
  • Combat or other traumatic events

By exploring the physical sensations associated with these traumas, you can gain a deeper understanding of how they have impacted your life and develop coping mechanisms to promote healing and growth.

Book an Appointment Today

If you are interested in exploring body memory recall therapy as a form of healing, Nao Medical is here to help. Our therapists and psychologists are highly trained and empathetic, and we offer same-day appointments and minimal wait times.

Visit our mental health services page to learn more about our therapists and psychologists and book an appointment today. You deserve to live a life free from the burden of past traumas.


What should I expect during a body memory recall therapy session?

During a body memory recall therapy session, you will be guided to explore physical sensations associated with past traumas. Your therapist will help you connect these sensations to past events and develop coping mechanisms to promote healing and growth.

Is body memory recall therapy right for me?

Body memory recall therapy can be beneficial for anyone who has experienced past traumas. If you are interested in exploring this form of therapy, we encourage you to book an appointment with one of our therapists or psychologists to discuss your options.

How long does body memory recall therapy take?

The length of body memory recall therapy varies depending on the individual and their specific needs. Your therapist will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your unique situation.

Key Takeaways

  • Body memory recall therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the physical sensations associated with past traumas.
  • By exploring these physical sensations, you can gain a deeper understanding of how past traumas may be impacting your current mental and physical health.
  • Nao Medical offers body memory recall therapy as part of our mental health services.
  • Book an appointment today to explore this revolutionary approach to healing.
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Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered, construed or interpreted as legal or professional advice, guidance or opinion.

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