NYC Depression: How Getting Rid of Possessions Can Help

Depression can make it challenging to find the motivation to do anything, let alone clean and declutter your living space. However, studies have shown that decluttering your home can have a positive impact on your mental health, especially if you’re struggling with depression.

Why Decluttering Helps

When you’re depressed, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the clutter in your home. It can make you feel like you’re drowning in your own space, which can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. By decluttering, you’re taking control of your environment and creating a sense of order and calm.

Additionally, decluttering can help you let go of the past. Holding onto possessions that remind you of negative experiences or people can keep you stuck in a negative mindset. By getting rid of these items, you’re freeing yourself from those memories and creating space for new, positive experiences.

How to Get Started

Decluttering can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Start small by tackling one room or even one corner of a room. Sort items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and throw away. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and what’s just taking up space.

If you’re struggling to get started, consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member. You can also seek the guidance of a mental health professional, like those at Nao Medical. Our mental health services in NYC include therapy and counseling to help you overcome depression and other mental health challenges.


Decluttering your home may seem like a small step, but it can have a big impact on your mental health. By taking control of your environment and letting go of the past, you can create space for a brighter future. If you’re struggling with depression, Nao Medical is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our mental health services in NYC.


How can decluttering help with depression?

Decluttering can create a sense of order and calm in your living space, which can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm and hopelessness. It can also help you let go of possessions that remind you of negative experiences or people, freeing you from those memories and creating space for new, positive experiences.

What if I’m struggling to get started with decluttering?

Start small by tackling one room or even one corner of a room. Sort items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and throw away. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and what’s just taking up space. Consider enlisting the help of a friend or family member, or seek the guidance of a mental health professional.

What mental health services does Nao Medical offer in NYC?

Nao Medical offers a range of mental health services in NYC, including therapy and counseling for depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Contact us today to learn more.

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Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered, construed or interpreted as legal or professional advice, guidance or opinion.

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