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With the “steep and sustained” increase in STD cases lately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends learning the status of your sexual health by getting tested. If you’re...

Dr. Nao

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Managers and business owners are grappling with new questions in 2022: “How long before someone with COVID-19 can return to work?” “Should we open our work to all employees?” “If...

Dr. Nao

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Covid-19 has been dominating headlines and conversations for more than a year now. But it is not the only virus we are dealing with this winter; in fact, many healthcare...

Dr. Nao

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Influenza (flu) cases are rising in the United States. Outpatient visits for influenza-like illness are above the national baseline. With the simultaneous outbreaks of Covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)...

Dr. Nao

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Getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is necessary to ensure good sexual health. Knowing the facts is important to get tested with confidence and...

Dr. Nao

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