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When you have difficulty swallowing, the first thing that comes to mind is a sore throat. But there are two causes of throat pain: One caused by a viral infection...

Dr. Nao

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Sexual health is an important part of overall wellness, so awareness should start from puberty. Aside from the birds and the bees, parents should also discuss sexual health topics with...

Dr. Nao

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Flu season is fast approaching. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 9 million people in the U.S. get influenza (flu). Thousands of people die from...

Dr. Nao

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While navigating through the pandemic health care providers have been implementing the three C’s aim to advise people on what to avoid to reduce the risk of catching or transmitting...

Dr. Nao

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A urinary tract infection is a common infection that affects the urinary system. The urinary system consists of an upper tract, which includes the kidneys and ureters, and the lower...

Dr. Nao

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