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Top 10 mistakes made regarding Hepatitis C

  1. Not being aware of CDC recommendations for testing: The CDC recommends that all adults born between 1945 and 1965, often referred to as “baby boomers,” get tested for Hepatitis C at least once, as they are at a higher risk for the infection. Many individuals in this age group are unaware of this recommendation and may not get tested.
  2. Ignoring the need for testing: Many people with Hepatitis C are unaware of their infection. Getting tested is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Believing Hepatitis C is only transmitted through intravenous drug use: While sharing needles is a common transmission route, Hepatitis C can also be spread through contaminated medical equipment, tattoos, piercings, or even sharing personal items like razors or toothbrushes.
  4. Assuming Hepatitis C always causes symptoms: Hepatitis C can be asymptomatic, especially during the early stages of the infection. Don’t wait for symptoms to appear before getting tested.
  5. Overlooking the potential for liver damage: Chronic Hepatitis C can cause serious liver damage, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent these complications.
  6. Delaying or avoiding treatment: Modern treatments for Hepatitis C have high success rates and fewer side effects than previous treatments. Delaying or avoiding treatment can lead to severe liver damage or other complications.
  7. Not discussing Hepatitis C status with healthcare providers: Informing your healthcare providers about your Hepatitis C status ensures they can provide appropriate care and take necessary precautions during medical procedures.
  8. Failing to inform partners: If you have Hepatitis C, it’s important to inform your sexual partners so they can be tested and take precautions to prevent transmission.
  9. Believing you’re immune after successful treatment: Successfully treating Hepatitis C does not make you immune to future infections. Practice safe behaviors to prevent reinfection.
  10.  Relying on myths or misinformation: Obtain accurate information about Hepatitis C from reliable sources, such as healthcare providers and reputable health organizations. Misinformation can lead to poor decision-making and increased risks.
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Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered, construed or interpreted as legal or professional advice, guidance or opinion.

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